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Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. These are our updates! Thursday, January 11, we are beginning our clay mold! We...

eCYBERMISSION Is Coming To An End!

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog! Read this to find out about eCYBERMISSION coming to an end! Yes, eCYBERMISSION...

Oceans are Drowning

Hello Everybody! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about how our oceans are drowning in garbage. There is...

Plastic Liberty

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about what one day soon our plastic will turn into. Our...

Wheeling Into Water Pollution

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about water pollution. Water pollution is now affecting...

Ocean Trash bin

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about a new invention called the ocean trash bin. It’s a...

Mold Making

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This brings you through the process of making our mold.

More plastic than fish!

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about the fact that it is estimated that by 2050 that there will be more...

Why do we not help?

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about how society is not taking the time to realize that waterway trash...

Turtle Fins

Hello Everybody! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about what happened to this turtles fins. This turtle...

Blue Whales

Hello Everbody! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog.Read this to find out about how blue whales are now endangered. Blue whales have...

"Seal" the Deal

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about how this seal died. Some fishermen were going our n...

Interesting Facts!

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This contains interesting facts about trash in the ocean. We won´t list all of...

Peanut the Hourglass Turtle

Hello everyone! We are the Evergreens! In this post you will learn about a sad little turtle that is shaped into an hourglass. I know...

4th Graders Making a Difference

Hello Everyone! We are The Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about 4th Graders in Maryland and what they did. The 4th graders and EPA...


Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about trash. This is an image of trash that gets thrown...

The Input Of ladycardinal_24

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about ladycardinal_24. Hello Everyone! I'm ladycardinal_24, the team...

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. When we were in the...


Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about plastic. This image is showing tons of plastic that...


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