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  • Writer's pictureThe Evergreens

Top 10 Things Found in Waterways

Updated: Feb 23, 2018

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about the top 10 items found in waterways.

1. You shouldn't be surprised about this one- cigarettes and cigarette filters.

2. Food/candy wrappers or containers.

3. Plastic bottles/containers.

4. Plastic bags.

5. Caps or lids.

6. Cutlery such as plates, cups, forks, knives, and spoons.

7. Straws and coffee stirrers.

8. Glass bottles/containers.

9. Aluminum Cans (Beverage Cans)

10. Paper Bags

*The image below shows average numbers of all items above.

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for this image!

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