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Coral Disease

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out what plastic does to our coral reefs. Ecologist Joleah...

The Records of 2015

Hello everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find the plastic records of 2015. In 2015, there were 322 million...

How She Kicked The Plastic Habit

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about Beth Terry and how to kick the plastic habit. Beth Terry wrote a...

Spring 2017

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find about pollution in Spring 2017. This picture shows someone...

Waterways in Jordan

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about a waterway in Jordan. The waterways of Jordan were completely...

Top 10 Things Found in Waterways

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about the top 10 items found in waterways. 1. You shouldn't be surprised...

The Input of Tippytoe24

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about Tippytoe24. Hello, I'm Tippytoe24 and I am the spokesperson of the...

Endangered Turtles Getting Killed

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about endangered turtles and the pollution in waterways. Since this is...


Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. Read this to find out about our most recent updates. We have done two trials of...

Winter The Dolphin

Hello everyone! We are The Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about Winter the dolphin. This is Winter,a very famous dolphin who lost...

Pollution Killing Animals in Waterways

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about pollution killing animals. This is an effect of pollution in the...

Pollution in the Waterways

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about pollution in the waterways. Pollution is a big problem that is...


Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This has updates! We have officially created our mold! We are planning to make...

The Input of Believer66

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about Believer66. Hi! I'm Believer66 and I am the technology person in...

The Input of Weathergeek

Hello Everyone! We are the Evergreens! This is our blog. This is about Weathergeek. Hello everybody! I'm weathergeek, the team editor and...

Welcome to our blog!

Hello everyone! We are the Evergreens. This is our blog! Have you ever wondered how much trash gets in the ocean? Did you know many sea...


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